Friday 10 October 2014


Murray, J.W (2013) Game development for IOS with Unity3D, New York , CRC Press.

Félibien des Avaux A., (1999) "Conférence de L'Academie Royal de Peinthre et de Sculpture" in
Edwards, S. Art and its histories: A Reader , London , Yale University Press P.34 - 36

  • Rajagopalan, M. & Schwartz, D.I. 2005, "Game Design and Game-Development Education", Phi Kappa Phi Forum, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 29.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Anthony -- but watch out for things like line breaks and changes to the style or size of font, which will throw your formatting consistency out of alignment, look out too for spaces before commas, which just makes things look weird!

    One way to clear out odd formatting is to paste the text into a text-editor, which can get rid of unsupported formatting commands picked up when copying from the source, re-copy it and paste it back into the destination; another way is to inspect the HTML and manually strip-out any unwanted formatting tags.
