Friday 31 October 2014

Game mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics

Board games and Video games have a lot of things in them, however everything in the making of the game depends on mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics of the game. So the game battleship was quickly looked at to explain all the elements talked about, so the mechanics would be turn based ruling system that is based around hidden information which slowly unlocks information as you play, then looking at the dynamics which would be guessing and random elements slowly building up to educated guesses and winning or losing due to randomness, and then the Aesthetics which is challenge and builds up frustrations and anger with missing but also getting pleasure in seeing the opponent miss a shot, and fellowship if you opponent is a sport and good with winning or losing.

This was then put into a broken game real-time game, and build an element of strategy and make the game be playable in may different ways. We added a shield mechanic and this change play as people slowly walled attacks, slowly making the game work around strategy of shooting them from behind, so they could not get away but this seemed overpowered so we choose to add accuracy into the game.

This made a concentrated hard game which revolved around thinking about the other players moves and how they slowly get a strategy and how the movements and turns you can do before being shot or needing to shoot.


  1. Replies
    1. *Update* Forgive me figured out what you meant, and I was being stupid sorry, I have changed the title and will re-check my blog in case of more errors.
